Monday, May 11, 2009

Is this an apology?

"I want to apologise on behalf of politicians on behalf of all parties for what has happened in the events of the last few days." (Gordon Brown)

or this?
"We have to acknowledge just how bad this is. The public are really angry and we have to start by saying, look, this system that we had, that we used, that we operated, that we took part in - it was wrong and we're sorry about it." (David Cameron)

or this?
"I accept that the whole system is in disrepute ." (Nick Clegg)

Quick quiz, so you can keep up:
1. Which politician has apologised for the media printing details of MP's expenses in the last few days, but not for what his own cabinet members have actually done at any time before that?
2. Which politician has apologised for the system, but not for people's abuse of it?

Ok everybody, lets practice. "I'm sorry for what I did with your taxes". All together now, I can't hear you in Westminster "I'm sorry for what I did with your taxes".

Actually, lets pull teeth, it'll be easier. Is that 'actionable' enough for you?

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